intraocular controllable layers of double silicon balloon with Nano coating with a special injector for vitreoretinal surgery

Mehran Masoudnaseri1 *

  1. USA, California, Podeh Company, US provisional patent Application 63540947

Abstract: the present invention relates to a new surgical device and technique silicon balloon double layered (Masoud balloon) with special controllable valve is essential for restoring tamponade to vitreous cavity after vitrectomy due to some form of vitreous retinopathy for treatment and avoid complications during vitreoretinal surgery, retinal detachment, such as diabetic retinopathy proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), or giant tear for reattachment retina with silicon oil, and heavy silicone oil, normal saline (BSS) and other intraocular materials such as gas, sulfur hexafluoride (sf6), perfluoropropane (c3f8), perfluorocarbon liquids, commonly used as temporary vitreous substitutes. The balloon has two layers for treatment that are used to inject various medications and nanoparticles of Nano magnetism or can be filled with silicon oil, normal saline, gas, and other materials, and the inner layer is filled with normal saline gas and silicon oil. elastic balloon is inserted into the vitreous humor with a special injector, It can withstand ultraviolet, infrared, and gamma rays and is invulnerable to ozone. It is transparent, can be shaped, and has a thin yet firm construction. Additionally, it features a controllable valve system

Methods: After vitrectomy balloon is inserted into the vitreous space by special injector from Ora serrate, and specific long-term retina support requires the injection of substances into it. Silicon balloon made up of a material selected from the group consisting of silicon rubber, Nano silicon, Nano silver silicon elastomers (c6-530, c6-540, c6-550, c6-560, c6-570) polyurethane styrene triblock copolymer thermoplastic elastomers, hydroxyethyl methacrylate, polyvinyl alcohol, and other materials silicon balloon artificial silicon balloon has high, intensive anti-inflammatory biocompatibility and excellent flexibility without any toxic reactions during long-term

Results: It can be used to prevent complications during retinal surgery and after it, as well as for treatment and scaffolding for cell transplantation, whole retina transplantation cell stimulation increasing cell metabolism to improve and recover vision faster afterwards. the operation. It is not necessary for the position of the patient's head; the balloon can be filled with light material or gas.

Conclusion: balloon used for treatment and scaffolding for cell transplant, retina transplant cell stimulation increasing cell metabolism to improve and recover vision


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